The set of events - NUCLEON

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     Over a period from the starting point of scientific information gathering from 05.02.2015 to 15.05.2015 more than 132 GB of scientific data were collected, which corresponds to about 6.3 million events. Below are examples of "portraits" of events from the dialed database. Explanations to "portraits" - at the end of this page.
      The visualization of events registered in NUCLEON SSC is a part of rapid analysis of scientific information and aims to simplify the evaluation of input data. Visualization is carried out with the DrawEvent program. Each event has its own a so-called "Portrait of event” based on the results of this software. On the "portrait" in the upper left corner are shown all 4 planes of ChMS with the overlap. Different planes correspond to different colors. For understanding of what colors correspond to planes, you should look at the images of the same planes on the XZ and YZ side projections of devices. The circles show the triggered pads, and the area of ​​the circle is proportional to the effective charge measured by this pad. The maximum charge value corresponding to the largest circle can be seen on the information panel. Jumper between the pads in the form of segments connect pads that respond to the same electronic channel. The XZ and YZ side projections of the deviceare shown below and to the right of the ChMS. The amplitudes of all signals are shown in a relative color scale on the lateral projections. Black indicates non-working channels.
     The histograms for energy emissions along various planes of SFTS (td), KLEM system tracker (s) and MIC (m) detectors are displayed in the right part of the figure. The leftmost group of 9 histograms is the X orientation planes (from top to bottom - td0, s0.2, td2, s4, td4, m0,2,4); the rightmost group of 9 histograms - the Y orientation plane (from top to bottom - td1, s1, td3, s3,5, td5, m1,3,5). Each channel is shown separately. The amplitudes are given in (m) units. (m) is an energy release of a single-charged relativistic particle. Three cascade curves are under the information panel. The longitudinal development of cascades for (td), (s) and (m) is apart. The vertical scale in the cascade curves is compiled. Each bar of the cascade curves histograms is proportional to the full energy release in the layer in (m) units. Various types of detectors correspond to different scale along the energy axis. The reconstructed shower axis is shown on the side projections of device. The dotted crosshair on ChMS plane shows the exit point of the axis to the ChMS upper plane.
     In the (s) and (m), the picture on the strips is enlarged by summing the signals into groups of neighboring strips: 8 for (s) and 4 for (m). It is because of insufficient computer screen resolution. Each non-working strip is shown separately
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